on tiptoe

on tiptoe


  1. the tip or end of a toe.

verb (used without object), tip·toed, tip·toe·ing.

  1. to move or go on tiptoe, as with caution or stealth: She tiptoed out of the room.


  1. characterized by standing or walking on tiptoe.
  2. straining upward.
  3. eagerly expectant.
  4. cautious; stealthy.


  1. eagerly or cautiously; on tiptoe.


  1. on tiptoe,
    1. on the tips of one’s toes.
    2. expectant; eager: With Christmas coming, the children were on tiptoe.
    3. stealthily; cautiously: The concert had already begun, so he entered the back of the hall on tiptoe.

verb -toes, -toeing or -toed (intr)

  1. to walk with the heels off the ground and the weight supported by the ball of the foot and the toes
  2. to walk silently or stealthily


  1. on tiptoe
    1. on the tips of the toes or on the ball of the foot and the toes
    2. eagerly anticipating something
    3. stealthily or silently


  1. on tiptoe


  1. walking or standing on tiptoe
  2. stealthy or silent

n.mid-15c., from tip (n.) + toe. As a verb from 1630s. Related: Tiptoes (late 14c.). 1Eagerly anticipating something, as in The children were on tiptoe before the birthday party. [Late 1500s] 2Moving stealthily, warily, as in They went down the hall on tiptoe. [Mid-1700s] Both usages transfer standing on one’s toes to a particular reason for doing so; def. 2 alludes to moving more quietly in this fashion. see on tiptoe.

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