

noun, plural op·ti·ma [op-tuh-muh] /ˈɒp tə mə/, op·ti·mums.

  1. the best or most favorable point, degree, amount, etc., as of temperature, light, and moisture for the growth or reproduction of an organism.
  2. the greatest degree or best result obtained or obtainable under specific conditions.


  1. most favorable or desirable; best: optimum conditions.

noun plural -ma (-mə) or -mums

  1. a condition, degree, amount or compromise that produces the best possible result


  1. most favourable or advantageous; bestoptimum conditions

n.1879, from Latin optimum, neuter singular of optimus “best” (used as a superlative of bonus “good”), probably related to ops “power, resources” (in which case the evolution is from “richest” to “the most esteemed,” thus from PIE root *op- “to work”) or to ob “in front of,” with superlative suffix *-tumos. Originally in biology, in reference to “conditions most favorable” (for growth, etc.). As an adjective from 1885.

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