


  1. arranged or disposed in a neat, tidy manner or in a regular sequence: an orderly desk.
  2. observant of or governed by system or method, as persons or the mind.
  3. characterized by or observant of law, rule, or discipline; well-behaved; law-abiding: an orderly assemblage of citizens.
  4. pertaining to or charged with the communication or execution of orders.


  1. methodically; regularly.
  2. according to established order or rule.

noun, plural or·der·lies.

  1. Military. an enlisted soldier assigned to perform various chores for a commanding officer or group of officers.
  2. a hospital attendant having general, nonmedical duties.


  1. in order, properly arranged, or tidy
  2. obeying or appreciating method, system, and arrangement
  3. harmonious or peaceful
  4. military of or relating to ordersan orderly book


  1. rare according to custom or rule

noun plural -lies

  1. med a male hospital attendant
  2. military a junior rank detailed to carry orders or perform minor tasks for a more senior officer

n.“military attendant who carries orders,” 1781, short for orderly corporal, etc. Extended 1809 to an attendant at a hospital (originally a military hospital) charged with keeping things in order and clean. See orderly (adj.). adj.“arranged in order,” 1570s, from order (n.) + -ly (1). adv.late 15c., “in due order,” from order + -ly (2). n.

  1. An attendant in a hospital.
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