


  1. (usually initial capital letter) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Orient, or East; Eastern.
  2. of the orient, or the eastern region of the world or heavens: oriental countries;stars in the oriental sky.
  3. (initial capital letter) Zoogeography. belonging to a geographical division comprising southern Asia and the Malay Archipelago as far as and including the Philippines, Borneo, and Java.
  4. Jewelry.
    1. (usually initial capital letter)designating various gems that are varieties of corundum: Oriental aquamarine; Oriental ruby.
    2. fine or precious; orient: oriental agate; oriental garnet.
    3. designating certain natural saltwater pearls found especially in Asia.


  1. (usually initial capital letter) Older Use: Usually Disparaging and Offensive. a native or inhabitant of the Orient, or East.


  1. another word for eastern Compare occidental


  1. (sometimes not capital) of or relating to the Orient
  2. of or denoting a zoogeographical region consisting of southeastern Asia from India to Borneo, Java, and the Philippines


  1. a breed of slender muscular cat with large ears, long legs, and a long tail
  2. (sometimes not capital) an inhabitant, esp a native, of the Orient

adj.late 14c., from Old French oriental “eastern, from the east” (12c.) and directly from Latin orientalis “of the east,” from orientem (see Orient (n.)). Originally in reference to the sky, geographical sense is attested from late 15c.; oriental carpet first recorded 1868 (in C.Latin Eastlake). n.“native or inhabitant of the east,” 1701, from oriental (adj.).

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