


  1. an assemblage of articles that equip a person for a particular task, role, trade, etc.: an explorer’s outfit.
  2. a set of usually matching or harmonious garments and accessories worn together; coordinated costume; ensemble: a new spring outfit.
  3. a set of articles for any purpose: a cooking outfit.
  4. a group associated in an undertaking requiring close cooperation, as a military unit.
  5. a business firm engaged in a particular form of commercial enterprise: a construction outfit.
  6. any company, party, or set.
  7. the act of fitting out or equipping for any purpose, as for a voyage, journey, or expedition.
  8. mental, physical, or moral equipment.

verb (used with object), out·fit·ted, out·fit·ting.

  1. to furnish with an outfit, equipment, etc.; fit out; equip: to outfit an expedition to the South Pole.
  2. Nautical. to finish equipping (a vessel) at a dock.

verb (used without object), out·fit·ted, out·fit·ting.

  1. to furnish oneself with an outfit.

noun mainly British

  1. a shop that sells men’s clothes
  2. a person who provides outfits


  1. a set of articles or equipment for a particular task, occupation, etc
  2. a set of clothes, esp a carefully selected one
  3. informal any group or association regarded as a cohesive unit, such as a military company, business house, etc
  4. the act of fitting out
  5. Canadian (formerly) the annual shipment of trading goods and supplies sent by a fur company to its trading posts

verb -fits, -fitting or -fitted

  1. to furnish or be furnished with an outfit, equipment, etc

v.1840, from outfit (n.). Related: Outfitted; outfitting; outfitter. n.1769, “act of fitting out (a ship, etc.) for an expedition,” from out + fit (v.). Sense of “articles and equipment required for an expedition” first attested 1787, American English; meaning “a person’s clothes” is first recorded 1852; sense of “group of people” is from 1883.

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