


  1. complete or total: an outright loss.
  2. downright or unqualified: an outright refusal.
  3. without further payments due, restrictions, or qualifications: an outright sale of the car.
  4. Archaic. directed straight out or on.


  1. completely; entirely.
  2. without restraint, reserve, or concealment; openly: Tell me outright what’s bothering you.
  3. at once; instantly: to be killed outright.
  4. without further payments due, restrictions, or qualifications: to own the house outright.
  5. Archaic. straight out or ahead; directly onward.

adjective (ˈaʊtˌraɪt) (prenominal)

  1. without qualifications or limitationsoutright ownership
  2. complete; totalan outright lie
  3. straightforward; directan outright manner

adverb (ˌaʊtˈraɪt)

  1. without restrictionsbuy outright
  2. without reservation or concealmentask outright
  3. instantlyhe was killed outright
  4. obsolete straight ahead or out

adv.c.1300, “completely, entirely; openly, directly; at once, without hesitation,” from out (adv.) + right (adj.1)). Meaning “all at once” is attested from c.1600. As an adjective, “direct, downright,” from 1530s.

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