


  1. the state or quality of being precise.
  2. accuracy; exactness: to arrive at an estimate with precision.
  3. mechanical or scientific exactness: a lens ground with precision.
  4. punctiliousness; strictness: precision in one’s business dealings.
  5. Mathematics. the degree to which the correctness of a quantity is expressed.Compare accuracy(def 3).
  6. Chemistry, Physics. the extent to which a given set of measurements of the same sample agree with their mean.Compare accuracy(def 2).


  1. of, relating to, or characterized by precision: precision swimming; precision instruments for aircraft.


  1. the quality of being precise; accuracy
  2. (modifier) characterized by or having a high degree of exactnessprecision grinding; a precision instrument

n.1630s, “a cutting off (mentally), abstraction,” from French prĂ©cision (16c.) and directly from Latin praecisionem (nominative praecisio) “a cutting off,” noun of action from past participle stem of praecidere (see precise). Meaning “preciseness” is from 1740.

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