

verb (used with object)

  1. to load with too great a burden; overload: He was overburdened with cares.


  1. an excessive burden.
  2. Also called burden, capping. Mining. waste earth and rock covering a mineral deposit.

verb (ˌəʊvəˈbɜːdən)

  1. (tr) to load with excessive weight, work, etc

noun (ˈəʊvəˌbɜːdən)

  1. an excessive burden or load
  2. geology the sedimentary rock material that covers coal seams, mineral veins, etc

v.also over-burden, “to put too much weight on,” 1530s, from over- + burden (v.). Earliest uses are figurative. Related: Overburdened; overburdening.

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