


  1. overspread or covered with clouds; cloudy: an overcast day.
  2. Meteorology. (of the sky) more than 95 percent covered by clouds.
  3. dark; gloomy.
  4. Sewing. sewn by overcasting.

verb (used with object), o·ver·cast, o·ver·cast·ing.

  1. to overcloud, darken, or make gloomy: Ominous clouds began to overcast the sky.
  2. to sew with stitches passing successively over an edge, especially long stitches set at intervals to prevent raveling.

verb (used without object), o·ver·cast, o·ver·cast·ing.

  1. to become cloudy or dark: By noon it had begun to overcast.


  1. Meteorology. the condition of the sky when more than 95 percent covered by clouds.
  2. Mining. a crossing of two passages, as airways, dug at the same level, in which one rises to pass over the other without opening into it.Compare undercast(def 1).

adjective (ˈəʊvəˌkɑːst)

  1. covered over or obscured, esp by clouds
  2. meteorol (of the sky) more than 95 per cent cloud-covered
  3. gloomy or melancholy
  4. sewn over by overcasting

verb (ˌəʊvəˈkɑːst)

  1. to make or become overclouded or gloomy
  2. to sew (an edge, as of a hem) with long stitches passing successively over the edge

noun (ˈəʊvəˌkɑːst)

  1. a covering, as of clouds or mist
  2. meteorol the state of the sky when more than 95 per cent of it is cloud-covered
  3. mining a crossing of two passages without an intersection

adj.c.1300, of weather, past participle adjective from verb overcast (early 13c.), “to overthrow,” also “to cover, to overspread” as with a garment, usually of weather, from over- + cast (v.).

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