

adjective, noun, adverb

  1. too much: He didn’t show overmuch concern. We tried not to regret it overmuch.

adjective, more, most.

  1. constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
  2. noting each one of a large number (usually followed by a or an): For many a day it rained.


  1. a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.
  2. the many, the greater part of humankind.


  1. many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.

adverb, adjective

  1. too much; very much


  1. an excessive amount


  1. (sometimes preceded by a great or a good)
    1. a large number ofmany coaches; many times
    2. (as pronoun; functioning as plural)many are seated already
  2. (foll by a, an, or another, and a singular noun) each of a considerable number ofmany a man
  3. (preceded by as, too, that, etc)
    1. a great number ofas many apples as you like; too many clouds to see
    2. (as pronoun; functioning as plural)I have as many as you


  1. the many the majority of mankind, esp the common peoplethe many are kept in ignorance while the few prosper Compare few (def. 7)

adj.“too great in amount,” c.1300, over- + much (q.v.). As an adverb from late 14c. Old English had cognate ofermicel. n.Old English menigu, from many (adj.). The many “the multitude” attested from 1520s. Cf. also Gothic managei “multitude, crowd,” Old High German managi “large number, plurality,” German Menge “multitude.” adj.Old English monig, manig “many, many a, much,” from Proto-Germanic *managaz (cf. Old Saxon manag, Swedish mången, Old Frisian manich, Dutch menig, Old High German manag, German manch, Gothic manags), from PIE *menegh- “copious” (cf. Old Church Slavonic munogu “much, many,” Old Irish menicc, Welsh mynych “frequent,” Old Irish magham “gift”). Pronunciation altered by influence of any (see manifold). In addition to the idioms beginning with many

  • many a
  • many hands make light work
  • many happy returns
  • many is the
  • also see:

  • as many
  • good (great) many
  • in so many words
  • irons in the fire, too many
  • so many
  • too many cooks spoil the broth
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