


  1. a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form, as for clearness; rewording.
  2. the act or process of restating or rewording.

verb (used with object), par·a·phrased, par·a·phras·ing.

  1. to render the meaning of in a paraphrase: to paraphrase a technical paper for lay readers.

verb (used without object), par·a·phrased, par·a·phras·ing.

  1. to make a paraphrase or paraphrases.


  1. an expression of a statement or text in other words, esp in order to clarify
  2. the practice of making paraphrases


  1. to put (something) into other words; restate (something)

v.c.1600, from paraphrase (n.) or from French paraphraser. Related: Paraphrased; paraphrasing. n.1540s, from Middle French paraphrase (1520s), from Latin paraphrasis “a paraphrase,” from Greek paraphrasis “a free rendering,” from paraphrazein “to tell in other words,” from para- “beside” (see para- (1)) + phrazein “to tell” (see phrase (n.)). A restatement of speech or writing that retains the basic meaning while changing the words. A paraphrase often clarifies the original statement by putting it into words that are more easily understood.

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