


  1. a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence: a paragon of virtue.
  2. someone of exceptional merit: Just who is this paragon whose name is on everyone’s lips?
  3. Printing. a 20-point type.
  4. an unusually large, round pearl.

verb (used with object)

  1. Rare. to compare; parallel.
  2. Archaic. to be a match for; rival.
  3. Obsolete. to surpass.
  4. Obsolete. to regard as a paragon.


  1. a model of excellence; patterna paragon of virtue
  2. a size of printer’s type, approximately equal to 20 point

verb (tr)

  1. archaic
    1. to equal or surpass
    2. to compare
    3. to regard as a paragon

n.1540s, from Middle French paragon “a model, pattern of excellence” (15c., Modern French parangon), from Italian paragone, originally “touchstone to test gold” (early 14c.), from paragonare “to test on a touchstone, compare,” from Greek parakonan “to sharpen, whet,” from para- “on the side” (see para- (1)) + akone “whetstone,” from PIE root *ak- “sharp, pointed” (see acrid).

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