- an object, article, container, or quantity of something wrapped or packed up; small package; bundle.
- a quantity or unit of something, as of a commodity for sale; lot.
- a group, collection, or assemblage of persons or things.
- a distinct, continuous portion or tract of land.
- a part, portion, or fragment.
verb (used with object), par·celed, par·cel·ing or (especially British) par·celled, par·cel·ling.
- to divide into or distribute in parcels or portions (usually followed by out).
- to make into a parcel or wrap as a parcel.
- Nautical. to cover or wrap (a rope) with strips of canvas.
- Archaic. in part; partially.
- something wrapped up; package
- a group of people or things having some common characteristic
- a quantity of some commodity offered for sale; lot
- a distinct portion of land
- an essential part of something (esp in the phrase part and parcel)
verb -cels, -celling or -celled or US -cels, -celing or -celed (tr)
- (often foll by up) to make a parcel of; wrap up
- (often foll by out) to divide (up) into portions
- nautical to bind strips of canvas around (a rope)
- an archaic word for partly
n.late 14c., “a portion of something, a part” (sense preserved in phrase parcel of land, c.1400), from Old French parcele “small piece, particle, parcel,” from Vulgar Latin *particella, diminutive of Latin particula “small part, little bit,” itself a diminutive of pars (genitive partis) “part” (see part (n.)). Meaning “package” is first recorded 1640s, earlier “a quantity of goods in a package” (mid-15c.), from late 14c. sense of “an amount or quantity of anything.” The expression part and parcel (early 15c.) also preserves the older sense; both words mean the same, the multiplicity is for emphasis. v.“to divide into small portions,” early 15c. (with out), from parcel (n.). Related: Parceled; parcelled; parceling; parcelling. In addition to the idiom beginning with parcel
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