- Also called pas·ture·land [pas-cher-land, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃərˌlænd, ˈpɑs-/. an area covered with grass or other plants used or suitable for the grazing of livestock; grassland.
- a specific area or piece of such ground.
- grass or other plants for feeding livestock.
verb (used with object), pas·tured, pas·tur·ing.
- to feed (livestock) by putting them out to graze on pasture.
- (of land) to furnish with pasture.
- (of livestock) to graze upon.
verb (used without object), pas·tured, pas·tur·ing.
- (of livestock) to graze in a pasture.
- put out to pasture,
- to put in a pasture to graze.
- to dismiss, retire, or use sparingly as being past one’s or its prime: Most of our older employees don’t want to be put out to pasture.
- land covered with grass or herbage and grazed by or suitable for grazing by livestock
- a specific tract of such land
- the grass or herbage growing on it
- (tr) to cause (livestock) to graze or (of livestock) to graze (a pasture)
v.late 14c., of animals, “to graze;” early 15c., of humans, “to lead to pasture, to feed by putting in a pasture,” from Old French pasturer (12c., Modern French pâturer, from pasture (see pasture (n.)). Related: Pastured; pasturing. n.c.1300, “grass eaten by cattle,” from Old French pasture “fodder, grass eaten by cattle” (12c., Modern French pâture), from Late Latin pastura “a feeding, grazing,” from Latin pastus, past participle of pascere “to feed, graze” (see pastor). Meaning “land covered with vegetation suitable for grazing” is from early 14c. To be out to pasture “retired” is from 1945, from what was done (ideally) to horses after the active working life. see put out to grass (pasture).