


  1. a tableland region of southern Argentina.
  2. a region in S South America, in S Argentina and S Chile, extending from the Andes to the Atlantic.


  1. the southernmost region of South America, in Argentina and Chile extending from the Andes to the Atlantic. Area: about 777 000 sq km (300 000 sq miles)
  2. an arid tableland in the southernmost part of Argentina, rising towards the Andes in the west

South American region, with -ia + Patagon, name given by Europeans to the Tehuelche people who inhabited the coasts of the region, sometimes said to mean literally “large-foot,” from Spanish and Portuguese pata “paw, animal foot” (see patten) in reference to the people’s llama-skin shoes. But elsewhere said to be from Patagon, name of a dog-headed monster in the prose romance “Amadís de Gaula” (1508) by Garci Ordóñez de Montalvo (which also might have yielded California).

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