


  1. Also called bo-peep. a game played by or with very young children, typically in which one covers the face or hides and then suddenly uncovers the face or reappears, calling “Peekaboo!”


  1. Clothing.
    1. decorated with openwork.
    2. made of a sheer and revealing material, as some blouses for women.
  2. appearing briefly and then vanishing, or promising to appear but failing to do so: the fluctuating response of the stock market to a peekaboo economic recovery.


  1. a game for young children, in which one person hides his face and suddenly reveals it and cries “peekaboo.”


  1. (of a garment) made of fabric that is almost transparent or patterned with small holes

n.also peek-a-boo, as a children’s game attested from 1590s; as an adjective meaning “see-through, open,” it dates from 1895. From peek (v.) + boo.

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