

Pentothal [pen-tuh-thawl] Examples Pharmacology, Trademark.

  1. a brand of thiopental sodium.

Related Words for pentothal Pentothal, scopolamine Examples from the Web for pentothal Historical Examples of pentothal

  • Another sorceress, aided it is true by pentothal, had months ago done the same to him.

    The Syndic

    C.M. Kornbluth

  • Because as it stands now—and the truth serum, and any other—Pentothal—how do you pronounce it, whatever it is.

    Warren Commission (5 of 26): Hearings Vol. V (of 15)

    The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy

  • Word Origin and History for pentothal Pentothal

    trademark name of an anaesthetic and hypnotic, 1935, refashioning of Thiopental, from pento-, in reference to the methylbutyl five-carbon group + first two letters of thiobarbiturate + chemical product suffix -ol.

    pentothal in Medicine Pentothal [pĕn′tə-thôl′]

    1. A trademark for the drug thiopental sodium.
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