pepsinogen [pep-sin-uh-juh n, -jen] Word Origin noun Biochemistry.
- crystals, occurring in the gastric glands, that during digestion are converted into pepsin.
Origin of pepsinogen First recorded in 1875–80; pepsin + -o- + -gen Related formspep·si·no·gen·ic [pep-suh-noh-jen-ik] /ˌpɛp sə noʊˈdʒɛn ɪk/, pep·si·nog·e·nous [pep-suh-noj-uh-nuh s] /ˌpɛp səˈnɒdʒ ə nəs/, adjective British Dictionary definitions for pepsinogen pepsinogen noun
- the inactive precursor of pepsin produced by the stomach
pepsinogen in Medicine pepsinogen [pĕp-sĭn′ə-jən] n.
- The inactive precursor to pepsin, formed in the chief cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid during digestion.propepsin