

percept [pur-sept] ExamplesWord Origin See more synonyms for percept on noun

  1. the mental result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of perceiving; an impression or sensation of something perceived.
  2. something that is perceived; the object of perception.

Origin of percept 1830–40; Latin perceptum something perceived, noun use of neuter of perceptus, past participle of percipere to perceive Can be confusedpercept precept Related Words for percept code, law, rule, etiquette, fashion, form, formality, habit, canon, understanding, precept, propriety, usage, custom, percept Examples from the Web for percept Historical Examples of percept

  • You look at a watch which I hold before your eyes and secure a percept of it.

    The Mind and Its Education

    George Herbert Betts

  • As we reflect and seek to correct this inadequacy, the percept changes on our hands.

    The Sense of Beauty

    George Santayana

  • The percept is, and remains, a private and an individual matter.

    Introduction to the Science of Sociology

    Robert E. Park

  • The percept has an aggressiveness which does not belong to the image.

    The Analysis of Mind

    Bertrand Russell

  • A percept is “that which is perceived; the object of the act of perception.”

    Your Mind and How to Use It

    William Walker Atkinson

  • British Dictionary definitions for percept percept noun

    1. a concept that depends on recognition by the senses, such as sight, of some external object or phenomenon
    2. an object or phenomenon that is perceived

    Word Origin for percept C19: from Latin perceptum, from percipere to perceive Word Origin and History for percept n.

    1837, from Latin perceptum “(a thing) perceived,” noun use of neuter past participle of percipere (see perceive). Formed on model of concept.

    percept in Medicine percept [pûr′sĕpt′] n.

    1. The object of perception.
    2. A mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts.
    3. In clinical psychology, a single unit of perceptual report, such as one of the responses to an inkblot in the Rorschach test.
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