

percutaneous [pur-kyoo-tey-nee-uh s] ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. administered, removed, or absorbed by way of the skin, as an injection, needle biopsy, or transdermal drug.

Origin of percutaneous First recorded in 1885–90; per- + cutaneous Examples from the Web for percutaneous Historical Examples of percutaneous

  • This objection is not applicable to percutaneous electrization, save in a much more limited degree.

    A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II


  • British Dictionary definitions for percutaneous percutaneous adjective

    1. med effected through the skin, as in the absorption of an ointment

    Word Origin and History for percutaneous adj.

    1862, from Latin per cutem “through the skin” (see cuticle) + -ous. Related: Percutaneously.

    percutaneous in Medicine percutaneous [pûr′kyōō-tā′nē-əs] adj.

    1. Passed, done, or effected through the unbroken skin.
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