

perennate [per-uh-neyt, puh-ren-eyt] Word Origin verb (used without object), per·en·nat·ed, per·en·nat·ing. Botany.

  1. to survive from season to season for an indefinite number of years.

Origin of perennate 1615–25; Latin perennātus, past participle of perennāre to continue for a long time, derivative of perennis; see perennial, -ate1 Related formsper·en·na·tion, noun British Dictionary definitions for perennate perennate verb

  1. (intr) (of plants) to live from one growing season to another, usually with a period of reduced activity between seasons

Word Origin for perennate C17: from Latin perennātus, from perennāre, from per- (through) + annus year

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