

peri- Word Origin

  1. a prefix meaning “about” or “around” (perimeter, periscope), “enclosing” or “surrounding” (pericardium), and “near” (perigee, perihelion), appearing in loanwords from Greek (peripeteia); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (perimorph).

Origin of peri- Greek, prefixal use of perí (adv. and preposition) British Dictionary definitions for peri- peri- prefix

  1. enclosing, encircling, or aroundpericardium; pericarp; perigon
  2. near or adjacentperihelion

Word Origin for peri- from Greek peri around, near, about Word Origin and History for peri-

word-forming element meaning “around, about, enclosing,” from Greek peri (prep.) “around, about, beyond,” cognate with Sanskrit pari “around, about, through,” Latin per, from PIE *per- (1) “forward, through” (see per).

peri- in Medicine peri- pref.

  1. Around; about; enclosing:perimysium.
  2. Near:perinatal.

peri- in Science peri-

  1. A prefix that means: “around” (as in pericardium,) or “near” (as in perihelion).
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