

Perigordian [per-i-gawr-dee-uh n] ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of an Upper Paleolithic cultural epoch in southern France, especially of the Périgord region.

Origin of Perigordian 1935–40; Périgord + -ian Examples from the Web for perigordian Historical Examples of perigordian

  • Thus Candide, Martin, and the Perigordian conversed on the staircase, while watching every one go out after the performance.



  • British Dictionary definitions for perigordian Perigordian adjective

    1. of, relating to, or characteristic of an Upper Palaeolithic culture in Europe, esp in France


    1. the Perigordian the Perigordian culture

    Word Origin for Perigordian C20: after Périgord, district in France

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