


  1. Zoology.
    1. a part or organ resembling a barb of a feather, a fin, or the like.
    2. a finlet.
  2. Botany. a secondary pinna, one of the pinnately disposed divisions of a bipinnate leaf.
  3. a metal plate with a small hole in it, used as a sight in a quadrant.

noun plural pinnules or pinnulae (ˈpɪnjʊˌliː)

  1. any of the lobes of a leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf, which is itself pinnately divided
  2. zoology any feather-like part, such as any of the arms of a sea lily

  1. Any of the smaller leaflets into which each leaflet of a bipinnately compound leaf is subdivided. The leaves of many ferns are divided into pinnules.
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