

noun, plural pis.

  1. the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet (II, π).
  2. the consonant sound represented by this letter.
  3. Mathematics.
    1. the letter π, used as the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
    2. the ratio itself: 3.141592+.

noun, plural pies.

  1. printing types mixed together indiscriminately.
  2. any confused mixture; jumble.

verb (used with object), pied, pi·ing.

  1. to reduce (printing types) to a state of confusion.
  2. to jumble.

abbreviation for

  1. Philippine Islands
  2. private investigator

noun plural pis

  1. the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet (Π, π), a consonant, transliterated as p
  2. maths a transcendental number, fundamental to mathematics, that is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Approximate value: 3.141 592…; symbol: π

noun plural pies

  1. a jumbled pile of printer’s type
  2. a jumbled mixture

verb pies, piing, pied, pies, pieing or pied (tr)

  1. to spill and mix (set type) indiscriminately
  2. to mix up


  1. British slang short for pious (def. 2), pious (def. 3)

n.Greek letter, from Hebrew, literally “little mouth.” As the name of the mathematical constant, from 1841 in English, used in Latin 1748 by Swiss mathematician Leonhart Euler (1707-1783), as an abbreviation of Greek periphereia “periphery.” For the meaning “printer’s term for mixed type,” see pie (3). n. pl. pis

  1. The 16th letter of the Greek alphabet.


  1. The pH value for the isoelectric point of a given substance in solution.

  1. An irrational number that has a numerical value of 3.14159265358979… and is represented by the symbol π. It expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and appears in many mathematical expressions.

The irrational number obtained by dividing the length of the diameter of a circle into its circumference. Pi is approximately 3.1416. The sign for pi is π.

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