

verb (used with object), pla·cat·ed, pla·cat·ing.

  1. to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures: to placate an outraged citizenry.


  1. (tr) to pacify or appease

n.1580s, from French placation (16c.), from Latin placationem (nominative placatio) “an appeasing, pacifying, quieting,” noun of action from past participle stem of placare (see placate). v.1670s, a back-formation from placation or else from Latin placatus “soothed, quiet, gentle, calm, peaceful,” past participle of placare “to calm, appease, quiet, soothe, assuage,” related to placere “to please” (see please). Related: Placated; placating; placatingly.

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