


  1. a usually large farm or estate, especially in a tropical or semitropical country, on which cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugar cane, or the like is cultivated, usually by resident laborers.
  2. a group of planted trees or plants.
  3. History/Historical.
    1. a colony or new settlement.
    2. the establishment of a colony or new settlement.
  4. Archaic. the planting of seeds, young trees, etc.


  1. (of clothing, furnishings, etc.) suitable for a plantation or for a tropical or semitropical country.


  1. a town in S Florida.


  1. an estate, esp in tropical countries, where cash crops such as rubber, oil palm, etc, are grown on a large scale
  2. a group of cultivated trees or plants
  3. (formerly) a colony or group of settlers
  4. rare the planting of seeds, shoots, etc

n.mid-15c., “action of planting,” from Middle French plantation, from Latin plantationem (nominative plantatio) “a planting,” noun of action from past participle stem of plantare “to plant” (see plant). Historically used for “colony, settlement in a new land” (1610s); meaning “large farm on which tobacco or cotton is grown” is first recorded 1706.

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