

quantify [kwon-tuh-fahy] ExamplesWord Origin See more synonyms for quantify on Thesaurus.com verb (used with object), quan·ti·fied, quan·ti·fy·ing.

  1. to determine, indicate, or express the quantity of.
  2. Logic. to make explicit the quantity of (a proposition).
  3. to give quantity to (something regarded as having only quality).

Origin of quantify 1830–40; Medieval Latin quantificāre, equivalent to Latin quant(us) how much + -ificāre -ify Related formsquan·ti·fi·a·ble, adjectivequan·ti·fi·a·bly, adverbquan·ti·fi·ca·tion, nounnon·quan·ti·fi·a·ble, adjectiveun·quan·ti·fi·a·ble, adjectiveun·quan·ti·fied, adjective Related Words for quantifiable perceptible, significant, quantitative, mensurable, calculable, commensurate, computable, material, fathomable, assessable, quantifiable Examples from the Web for quantifiable Contemporary Examples of quantifiable

  • But seriously, the fame of Breaking Bad—that has been a quantifiable change.

    The King of Dramedy: Bob Odenkirk on ‘Nebraska,’ ‘Breaking Bad,’ and ‘Better Call Saul’

    Andrew Romano

    November 17, 2013

  • The press has very few data points to point to: money, polling, and a quantifiable ground game.

    Ground Game: Romney Campaign Targets Low-Propensity Early Voters, Banks on Strong Election Day Turnout

    Rich Galen

    October 25, 2012

  • British Dictionary definitions for quantifiable quantify verb -fies, -fying or -fied (tr)

    1. to discover or express the quantity of
    2. logic to specify the quantity of (a term) by using a quantifier, such as all, some, or no

    Derived Formsquantifiable, adjectivequantification, nounWord Origin for quantify C19: from Medieval Latin quantificāre, from Latin quantus how much + facere to make Word Origin and History for quantifiable adj.

    1868, from quantify + -able. Related: Quantifiably.

    quantify v.

    1840, from Medieval Latin quantificare, from Latin quantus “as much,” correlative pronomial adjective (see quantity) + facere “to make” (see factitious). Literal sense of “determine the quantity of, measure” is from 1878. Related: Quantified; quantifying.

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