

quattrocento [kwah-troh-chen-toh; Italian kwaht-traw-chen-taw] ExamplesWord Origin noun (often initial capital letter)

  1. the 15th century, used in reference to the Italian art and literature of that time.

Origin of quattrocento 1870–75; Italian, short for mil quattro cento 1400, occurring in the names of all the years from 1400 to 1499Related formsquat·tro·cen·tist, noun Examples from the Web for quattrocento Historical Examples of quattrocento

  • But with the story-tellers of the quattrocento it was no mere affectation.

    Renaissance in Italy: Italian Literature

    John Addington Symonds

  • The naïveté of the quattrocento often invests its errors with attraction.


    David Lindsay, Earl of Crawford

  • As an artist, he has thoroughly outgrown the quattrocento style, and falls short only by a little of the greatest.

    Renaissance in Italy Vol. 3

    John Addington Symonds

  • The portrait of Giovanni dei Medici is by an unknown hand of the Quattrocento.

    The Story of Florence

    Edmund G. Gardner

  • But here, as elsewhere, the classicisms are held in check, and never invade or embarrass the dominant spirit of the Quattrocento.


    David Lindsay, Earl of Crawford

  • British Dictionary definitions for quattrocento quattrocento noun

    1. the 15th century, esp in reference to Renaissance Italian art and literature

    Word Origin for quattrocento Italian, shortened from milquattrocento 1400 Word Origin and History for quattrocento n.

    “the fifteenth century as a period in art and architecture,” 1847, from Italian quattrocento, literally “four hundred,” short for mille quattrocento “one thousand four hundred,” in reference to a period beginning in “1400;” see four + hundred.

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