

quicklime [kwik-lahym] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. lime1(def 1).

Origin of quicklime 1350–1400; Middle English quyk lym, translation Latin calx vīva; see quick, lime1 Examples from the Web for quicklime Historical Examples of quicklime

  • Put some quicklime and red orpiment in water, place some warm ashes under it for a whole day, filter the liquor, and cork it down.

    The Cook and Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches,

    Mary Eaton

  • In other words, both of these are merely weakened forms of quicklime.

    Agriculture for Beginners

    Charles William Burkett

  • Quicklime should always be slaked before it is applied to the soil.

    Agriculture for Beginners

    Charles William Burkett

  • Water-slaked lime is quicklime to which water has been added.

    Agriculture for Beginners

    Charles William Burkett

  • No coffins were to be used, corps93es were to be put in sacks and buried in quicklime.


    William Graham Sumner

  • British Dictionary definitions for quicklime quicklime noun

    1. another name for calcium oxide

    Word Origin for quicklime C15: from quick (in the archaic sense: living) + lime 1 Word Origin and History for quicklime n.

    late 14c., from quick (adj.) “living” + lime (n.1). A loan-translation of Latin calx viva. So called perhaps for being unquenched, or for the vigorousness of its qualities; cf. Old English cwicfyr “sulfur.”

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