

rabbinical or rab·bin·ic [ruh-bin-i-kuh l or ruh-bin-ik] Word Origin See more synonyms for rabbinical on Thesaurus.com adjective

  1. of or relating to rabbis or their learning, writings, etc.
  2. for the rabbinate: a rabbinical school.

Origin of rabbinical 1615–25; Medieval Latin rabbīn(us) of a rabbi1 + -ical Related formsnon·rab·bin·i·cal, adjectiveun·rab·bin·ic, adjectiveun·rab·bin·i·cal, adjective Related Words for rabbinical pastoral, ministerial, monastic, ecclesiastical, rabbinical, canonical, ecclesiastic, holy, papal, pontifical, sacerdotal, sacred, churchly, cleric, apostolic, episcopal, monkish, parsonical, priestly, theocratical Word Origin and History for rabbinical adj.

1620s, earlier rabbinic (1610s); see Rabbi + -ical. The -n- is perhaps via rabbin “rabbi” (1520s), an alternative form, from French rabbin, from Medieval Latin rabbinus (also source of Italian rabbino, Spanish and Portuguese rabino), perhaps from a presumed Semitic plural in -n, or from Aramaic rabban “our teacher,” “distinguishing title given to patriarchs and the presidents of the Sanhedrin since the time of Gamaliel the Elder” [Klein], from Aramaic plural of noun use of rabh “great.”

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