


  1. unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
  2. statutory rape.
  3. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
  4. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

verb (used with object), raped, rap·ing.

  1. to commit the crime of rape on (a person).
  2. to plunder (a place); despoil: The logging operation raped a wide tract of forest without regard for the environmental impact of their harvesting practices.
  3. to seize, take, or carry off by force.

verb (used without object), raped, rap·ing.

  1. to commit rape.


  1. a plant, Brassica napus, of the mustard family, whose leaves are used for food for hogs, sheep, etc., and whose seeds yield rape oil.


  1. the residue of grapes, after the juice has been extracted, used as a filter in making vinegar.


  1. the offence of forcing a person, esp a woman, to submit to sexual intercourse against that person’s willSee also statutory rape
  2. the act of despoiling a country in warfare; rapine
  3. any violation or abusethe rape of justice
  4. archaic abductionthe rape of the Sabine women

verb (mainly tr)

  1. to commit rape upon (a person)
  2. (also intr) to plunder or despoil (a place) in war
  3. archaic to carry off by force; abduct


  1. a Eurasian plant, Brassica napus, that has bright yellow flowers and is cultivated for its seeds, which yield a useful oil, and as a fodder plant: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)Also called: colza, cole


  1. (often plural) the skins and stalks of grapes left after wine-making: used in making vinegar

late 14c., “seize prey; abduct, take by force,” from rape (n.) and from Anglo-French raper (Old French rapir) “to seize, abduct,” a legal term, probably from past participle of Latin rapere “seize, carry off by force, abduct” (see rapid).

Latin rapere was used for “sexually violate,” but only very rarely; the usual Latin word being stuprare “to defile, ravish, violate,” related to stuprum (n.), literally “disgrace.” Meaning “to abduct (a woman), ravish;” also “seduce (a man)” is from early 15c. in English. Related: Raped; raping. Uncertain connection to Low German and Dutch rapen in the same sense.


kind of cruciferous plant (Brassica napus), late 14c., from Old French rape, from Latin rapa, rapum “turnip,” from PIE *rap- (cf. Greek hrapys “rape,” Old Church Slavonic repa, Lithuanian rope, Middle Dutch roeve, Old High German ruoba, German Rübe “rape, turnip”). Usually grown to feed sheep, an oil made from it is used in cooking (see canola).


early 14c., “booty, prey;” mid-14c., “forceful seizure; plundering, robbery, extortion,” from Anglo-French rap, rape, and directly from Latin rapere “seize” (see rape (v.)). Meaning “act of abducting a woman or sexually violating her or both” is from early 15c., but perhaps late 13c. in Anglo-Latin.


  1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.


  1. To commit rape on.
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