

noun, plural re·en·tries.

  1. an act of reentering.
  2. the return from outer space into the earth’s atmosphere of an earth-orbiting satellite, spacecraft, rocket, or the like.
  3. Law. the retaking of possession under a right reserved in a prior conveyance.
  4. Also called reentry card. Bridge, Whist. a card that will win a trick enabling one to regain the lead previously lost, especially the lead from a particular hand.

noun plural -tries

  1. the act of retaking possession of land, etc, under a right reserved in an earlier transfer of the property, such as a lease
  2. the return of a spacecraft into the earth’s atmosphere

also reentry, mid-15c., “act of entering again,” from re- “again” + entry; probably on model of Middle French rentrer (12c.). Specifically of spacecraft from 1948.


  1. Return of the same impulse into an area of heart muscle that it has recently activated but that is now no longer refractory, as in reciprocal rhythm.
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