


  1. the act of allowing to enter; entrance granted by permission, by provision or existence of pecuniary means, or by the removal of obstacles: the admission of aliens into a country.
  2. right or permission to enter: granting admission to the rare books room.
  3. the price paid for entrance, as to a theater or ball park.
  4. an act or condition of being received or accepted in a position, profession, occupation, or office; appointment: admission to the bar.
  5. confession of a charge, an error, or a crime; acknowledgment: His admission of the theft solved the mystery.
  6. an acknowledgment of the truth of something.
  7. a point or statement admitted; concession.


  1. the act or an instance of readmitting or being readmitted


  1. permission to enter or the right, authority, etc, to enter
  2. the price charged for entrance
  3. acceptance for a position, office, etc
  4. a confession, as of a crime, mistake, etc
  5. an acknowledgment of the truth or validity of something

early 15c., “acceptance, reception, approval,” from Latin admissionem (nominative admissio) “a letting in,” noun of action from past participle stem of admittere (see admit). Meaning “an acknowledging” is from 1530s. Sense of “a literal act of letting in” is from 1620s. As short for admission price, by 1792.

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