


  1. a set of instructions for making or preparing something, especially a food dish: a recipe for a cake.
  2. a medical prescription.
  3. a method to attain a desired end: a recipe for success.


  1. a list of ingredients and directions for making something, esp a food preparation
  2. med (formerly) a medical prescription
  3. a method for achieving some desired objectivea recipe for success

1580s, “medical prescription,” from Middle French récipé (15c.), from Latin recipe “take!,” second person imperative singular of recipere “to take” (see receive); word written by physicians at the head of prescriptions. Figurative use from 1640s. Meaning “instructions for preparing food” first recorded 1743. The original sense survives only in the pharmacist’s abbreviation Rx.


  1. The heading that is used to indicate a medical prescription, usually ℞.
  2. A medical prescription.
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