


  1. Law.
    1. a bond or obligation of record entered into before a court of record or a magistrate, binding a person to do a particular act.
    2. the sum pledged as surety on such a bond.
  2. Archaic. recognition.
  3. Archaic. a token; badge.


  1. law
    1. a bond entered into before a court or magistrate by which a person binds himself to do a specified act, as to appear in court on a stated day, keep the peace, or pay a debt
    2. a monetary sum pledged to the performance of such an act
  2. an obsolete word for recognition

early 14c., reconisaunce, “a bond acknowledging some obligation binding one over to do some particular act,” from Old French reconissance “acknowledgment, recognition” (12c., Modern French reconnaissance), from reconoiss-, present participle stem of reconoistre (see recognize). Related: Recognizant.

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