


  1. Government. the principle or system of dividing a city, state, etc., into separate administrative regions.
  2. advocacy of such a principle or system.
  3. a speech form, expression, custom, or other feature peculiar to or characteristic of a particular area.
  4. devotion to the interests of one’s own region.
  5. Literature. the theory or practice of emphasizing the regional characteristics of locale or setting, as by stressing local speech.
  6. (often initial capital letter) a style of American painting developed chiefly 1930–40 in which subject matter was derived principally from rural areas.


  1. division of a country into administrative regions having partial autonomy
  2. advocacy of such division
  3. loyalty to one’s home region; regional patriotism
  4. the common interests of national groups, people, etc, living in the same part of the world
  5. a word, custom, accent, or other characteristic associated with a specific region

1878, originally of Italy, “tendency toward regional loyalties” (opposed to nationalism), from regional + -ism. As “a word or phrase of local use” is from 1953.

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