

noun, plural reg·u·lus·es, reg·u·li [reg-yuh-lahy] /ˈrɛg yəˌlaɪ/.

  1. (initial capital letter) Astronomy. a first magnitude star in the constellation Leo.
  2. Metallurgy.
    1. the metallic mass that forms beneath the slag at the bottom of the crucible or furnace in smelting ores.
    2. an impure intermediate product obtained in smelting ores.


  1. Marcus A·til·i·us [uhtil-ee-uh s] /əˈtɪl i əs/, died 250? b.c., Roman general.

noun plural -luses or -li (-ˌlaɪ)

  1. impure metal forming beneath the slag during the smelting of ores


  1. Marcus Atilius (ˈmɑːkəs əˈtɪlɪəs). died ?250 bc, Roman general; consul (267; 256). Captured by the Carthaginians in the First Punic War, he was sent to Rome on parole to deliver the enemy’s peace terms, advised the Senate to refuse them, and was tortured to death on his return to Carthage


  1. the brightest star in the constellation Leo. Visual magnitude: 1.3; spectral type: B8; distance: 69 light years

bright star in constellation Leo, 1550s, Modern Latin, apparently first so-called by Copernicus, literally “little king,” diminutive of rex “king;” probably a translation of Basiliskos “little king,” a Hellenistic Greek name for the star, mentioned in Geminos and Ptolemy (in the “Almagest,” though elsewhere in his writings it is usually “the star on the heart of Leo”); perhaps a translation of Lugal “king,” said to have been the star’s Babylonian name. Klein holds it to be a corruption of Arabic rijl (al-asad) “paw of the lion” (cf. Rigel).

  1. A bright triple star in the constellation Leo, with an apparent magnitude of 1.35. Scientific name: Alpha Leonis.
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