


  1. something installed, as machinery or apparatus placed in position or connected for use.
  2. the act of installing.
  3. the fact of being installed.
  4. Military. any more or less permanent post, camp, station, base, or the like, for the support or carrying on of military activities.


  1. the act of installing or the state of being installed
  2. a large device, system, or piece of equipment that has been installed
  3. a military establishment usually serving in a support role
  4. an art exhibit often involving video or moving parts where the relation of the parts to the whole is important to the interpretation of the piece

“action of installing,” mid-15c., of church offices or other positions, from Medieval Latin installationem (nominative installatio), noun of action from past participle stem of installare (see install). Of machinery, etc., “act of setting up,” from 1882.

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