


  1. the act or process of rejecting.
  2. the state of being rejected.
  3. something that is rejected.

1550s, from French réjection (16c.) or directly from Latin reiectionem (nominative reiectio) “act of throwing back,” noun of action from past participle stem of reicere (see reject). In 19c., it also could mean “excrement.” Medical transplant sense is from 1954. In the psychological sense, relating to parenting, from 1931.


  1. The act of rejecting or the state of being rejected.
  2. The failure of a recipient’s body to accept a transplanted tissue or organ as the result of immunological incompatability; immunological resistance to foreign tissue.

A process in which the immune system of a body attacks an organ or tissue, either its own or tissue transplanted into it from another organism. (See xenotransplantation.)

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