


  1. an effect or result, often indirect or remote, of some event or action: The repercussions of the quarrel were widespread.
  2. the state of being driven back by a resisting body.
  3. a rebounding or recoil of something after impact.
  4. reverberation; echo.
  5. Music. (in a fugue) the point after the development of an episode at which the subject and answer appear again.


  1. (often plural) a result or consequence, esp one that is somewhat removed from the action or event which precipitated itthe repercussions of the war are still keenly felt
  2. a recoil after impact; a rebound
  3. a reflection, esp of sound; echo or reverberation
  4. music the reappearance of a fugal subject and answer after an episode

early 15c., “act of driving back,” from Middle French répercussion (14c.) or directly from Latin repercusionem (nominative repercussio), from past participle stem of repercutere “to strike or beat back; shine back, reflect; echo,” from re- “back” (see re-) + percutere “to strike or thrust through” (see percussion). Meaning “reverberation, echo” first recorded 1590s; the metaphoric extension is recorded from 1620s.

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