

verb (used with object)

  1. to put in a new or different position; shift: to reposition the artwork on the advertising layout.
  2. to change the image, marketing strategy, etc., of (a product) so as to appeal to a wider or different audience or market: to reposition a diet drink to appeal to teenagers.
  3. Medicine/Medical, Surgery. to place (an organ or bone) in its original position.


  1. the act or process of depositing or storing
  2. surgery the return of a broken or displaced organ, or part to its normal site
  3. archaic the reinstatement of a person in a post or office

verb (tr)

  1. to place in a new position
  2. to target (a product or brand) at a new market by changing its image

1580s, “act of replacing,” from Late Latin repositionem (nominative repositio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin reponere (see repose (v.2)). Meaning “act of laying up in safety” is from 1610s.


also re-position, 1859, from re- “again” + position (v.). Related: Repositioned; repositioning.

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