


  1. a quality, accomplishment, etc., that fits a person for some function, office, or the like.
  2. a circumstance or condition required by law or custom for getting, having, or exercising a right, holding an office, or the like.
  3. the act of qualifying; state of being qualified.
  4. modification, limitation, or restriction: to endorse a plan without qualification.
  5. an instance of this: He protected his argument with several qualifications.


  1. an official record of achievement awarded on the successful completion of a course of training or passing of an exam
  2. an ability, quality, or attribute, esp one that fits a person to perform a particular job or taskhe has no qualifications to be a teacher
  3. a condition that modifies or limits; restriction
  4. the act of qualifying or state of being qualified

1540s, “restriction, modification,” from Middle French qualification and directly from Medieval Latin qualificationem (nominative qualificatio), noun of action from past participle stem of qualificare (see qualify). Meaning “accomplishment that qualifies someone to do something” is from 1660s; that of “necessary precondition” is from 1723. Related: Qualifications.

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