


  1. the act of specifying.
  2. Usually specifications. a detailed description or assessment of requirements, dimensions, materials, etc., as of a proposed building, machine, bridge, etc.
  3. a particular item, aspect, calculation, etc., in such a description.
  4. something specified, as in a bill of particulars; a specified particular, item, or article.
  5. an act of making specific.
  6. the state of having a specific character.


  1. the act or an instance of specifying
  2. (in patent law) a written statement accompanying an application for a patent that describes the nature of an invention
  3. a detailed description of the criteria for the constituents, construction, appearance, performance, etc, of a material, apparatus, etc, or of the standard of workmanship required in its manufacture
  4. an item, detail, etc, specified

1610s, “act of investing with some quality,” from Medieval Latin specificationem (nominative specificatio), from Latin species “kind, sort” (see species) + -ficus, unstressed comb. form of facere “to make, do.” Meaning “technical particular” is attested from 1833; short form spec first attested 1956.

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