


  1. a masklike device, usually of gauze, worn over the mouth, or nose and mouth, to prevent the inhalation of noxious substances or the like.
  2. British. gas mask.
  3. Medicine/Medical. an apparatus to produce artificial respiration.


  1. an apparatus for providing long-term artificial respiration
  2. Also called: gas mask a device worn over the mouth and nose to prevent inhalation of noxious fumes or to warm cold air before it is breathed

1836, as an aid to breathing (originally a sort of gauze mask, agent noun from respire. As “machine to provide artificial respiration” from 1929.


  1. A device that supplies oxygen or a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide for breathing, used especially in artificial respiration.inhalator ventilator
  2. A screenlike device worn over the mouth or nose or both to protect the respiratory tract.
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