


  1. an answer or reply, as in words or in some action.
  2. Biology. any behavior of a living organism that results from an external or internal stimulus.
  3. Ecclesiastical.
    1. a verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in reply to the officiant.Compare versicle(def 2).
    2. responsory.
  4. Bridge. a bid based on an evaluation of one’s hand relative to the previous bid of one’s partner.


  1. the act of responding; reply or reaction
  2. bridge a bid replying to a partner’s bid or double
  3. (usually plural) Christianity a short sentence or phrase recited or sung by the choir or congregation in reply to the officiant at a church service
  4. electronics the ratio of the output to the input level, at a particular frequency, of a transmission line or electrical device
  5. any pattern of glandular, muscular, or electrical reactions that arises from stimulation of the nervous system

c.1300, from Old French respons (Modern French réponse) and directly from Latin responsum “an answer,” noun use of neuter past participle of respondere “to respond” (see respond).


  1. A reaction, as that of an organism or any of its parts, to a specific stimulus.

  1. A reaction, as that of an organism or any of its parts, to a specific stimulus. See more at classical conditioning.
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