


  1. tending or serving to restrict.
  2. of the nature of a restriction.
  3. expressing or implying restriction or limitation of application, as terms, expressions, etc.
  4. Grammar. limiting the meaning of a modified element: a restrictive adjective.Compare descriptive(def 2b).


  1. restricting or tending to restrict
  2. grammar denoting a relative clause or phrase that restricts the number of possible referents of its antecedent. The relative clause in Americans who live in New York is restrictive; the relative clause in Americans, who are generally extrovert, is nonrestrictive

early 15c., “serving to bind or draw together,” from Middle French restrictif, from Late Latin restrictivus, from Latin restrict-, past participle stem of restringere (see restriction). Meaning “imposing restriction” is from 1570s. Related: Restrictively; restrictiveness.

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