

noun, plural ret·i·nas, ret·i·nae [ret-n-ee] /ˈrɛt nˌi/. Anatomy.

  1. the innermost coat of the posterior part of the eyeball that receives the image produced by the lens, is continuous with the optic nerve, and consists of several layers, one of which contains the rods and cones that are sensitive to light.

Trademark, Computers.

  1. Retina, a brand name used by Apple, Inc., to describe display screens having a resolution so high that it is difficult to see individual pixels with the human eye: a Retina display; Retina technology; Retina quality.

noun plural -nas or -nae (-ˌniː)

  1. the light-sensitive membrane forming the inner lining of the posterior wall of the eyeball, composed largely of a specialized terminal expansion of the optic nerve. Images focused here by the lens of the eye are transmitted to the brain as nerve impulses

late 14c., from Medieval Latin retina “the retina,” probably from Vulgar Latin (tunica) *retina, literally “net-like tunic,” on resemblance to the network of blood vessels at the back of the eye, and ultimately from Latin rete “net” (see reticulate (adj.)). The Vulgar Latin phrase might be Gerard of Cremona’s 12c. translation of Arabic (tabaqa) shabakiyyah “netlike (layer),” itself probably a translation of Greek amphiblestroeides (khiton).

n. pl. ret•i•nas

  1. The delicate multilayered light-sensitive membrane lining the inner posterior chamber of the eyeball containing the rods and cones and connected by the optic nerve to the brain.

Plural retinas retinae (rĕtn-ē′)

  1. The light-sensitive membrane that lines the inside of the back of the eyeball and connects to the brain by the optic nerve. The retina of vertebrate animals contains rods and cones, specialized cells that absorb light.

The inner layer of the eye, sensitive to light, that is connected to the brain by the optic nerve. The retina lines the rear of the eye-ball. The lens of the eye focuses waves of light on the retina.

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