

adjective Informal.

  1. retroactive: retro pay.
  2. of or designating the style of an earlier time: retro clothes.

  1. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin meaning “backward” (retrogress); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (retrorocket).

noun plural -ros

  1. short for retrorocket


  1. denoting something associated with or revived from the pastretro dressing; retro fashion


  1. back or backwardsretroactive
  2. located behindretrolental

1974, from French rétro (1973), supposedly first used of a revival c.1968 of Eva Peron-inspired fashions and short for rétrograde (see retrograde). There is an isolated use in English from 1768, and the word apparently was used in 19c. French as a term in billiards. As a noun, short for retro-rocket (1948) from 1961.

word-forming element meaning “backwards; behind,” from Latin retro (prep.) “backward, back, behind,” also of time, “formerly, in past times,” probably originally the ablative form of *reteros, based on re- “back” (see re-).

L. retro stands to re- as intro, “in, within”; to in, “in,” and as citro, “hither,” stands to cis, “on this side.” [Klein]

Common in combinations in post-classical Latin (the classical equivalent was post-). Active in English as a word-forming element from mid-20c.


  1. Backward; back:retroposition.
  2. Situated behind:retroperitoneum.
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