

noun Chemistry.

  1. a silvery-white metallic element of the platinum family, forming salts that give rose-colored solutions: used to electroplate microscopes and instrument parts to prevent corrosion. Symbol: Rh; atomic weight: 102.905; atomic number: 45; specific gravity: 12.5 at 20°C.


  1. a hard corrosion-resistant silvery-white element of the platinum metal group, occurring free with other platinum metals in alluvial deposits and in nickel ores. It is used as an alloying agent to harden platinum and palladium. Symbol: Rh; atomic no: 45; atomic wt: 102.90550; valency: 2–6; relative density: 12.41; melting pt: 1963±3°C; boiling pt: 3697±100°C

hard white metallic element, 1804, Modern Latin, coined by its discoverer, English physician William H. Wollaston (1766-1828), and named for the color of solutions containing it, from Greek rhodon “rose” (see rose (n.1)) + metallic element ending -ium.

n. Symbol Rh

  1. A hard durable metallic element. Atomic number 45.


  1. A rare, silvery-white metallic element that is hard, durable, and resistant to acids. It is used as a permanent plating for jewelry and is added to platinum to make high-temperature alloys. Atomic number 45; atomic weight 102.905; melting point 1,966°C; boiling point 3,727°C; specific gravity 12.41; valence 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. See Periodic Table.
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